Because of our unique service offerings, our pricing ranges widely. We are happy to provide our services in an unbundled format to better meet the specific needs of students and their families.
What this means is that depending on where you are in the admissions process and what information you might be lacking, we can help. Our data allows us to add value at every step of the admissions process. Students can start with us at various points of the process or with a focus on the specific part of the process... often for less than what families might think. We don't force families to pay for the parts of the application process they don't need help with. Some of our more popular programs include our summer programs geared to help students "get ahead" or "catch up" in the application process.

The price of college is a major concern for many students and their families. While higher education is not perfect, we believe that it is the best chance for social mobility many young people have in this country. We believe that with the increasing complexity and changes to the admissions process, many colleges increasingly favor students who can afford college consulting services like ours. Because of this, we invite students with need to apply for scholarship opportunities with us. We substantially or completely discount services to a select number of students each year.